Your dream life is one deep dive away 

How this year can change your life 

Most of us have goals, and some even have dreams. We can speculate on why these goals and dreams elude us year after year, but I can guarantee for a vast majority of us it comes down to one simple thing, effort.

Now it’s easy to say “Jay! I try so hard but can’t ever seem to figure it out or get any closer!” I would respond with two things; 

One: Are you aiming your efforts or just throwing darts at the wall hoping for a bullseye? It’s so easy to tire ourselves out with high levels of effort resulting in minimal results due to poor planning. For example, you want passive income so you try a new online scheme each month, dropship one month, AI influencers the next, then crypto, finishing with ChatGPT Ebooks on Amazon right before a burnout. If you say this to someone, it’d sound impressive, “oh I’m doing this or I’m doing that” but really you’re hardly doing anything, you’re scratching the surface of industries that could get you to the point you’d like to be, but never investing the time to master the craft to get the results you want…. Like going to the gym a couple times a week but eating McDonald’s every night.

 Two: I’d say how have you oriented your life around that goal? Is the dream big enough and clear enough for you to have the drive to work towards it in everything you do? If we want results we have to be committed and to be committed we have to be passionate, and to be passionate we have to be inspired! 

Commitment + Consistency = Speed 

Planning + Speed = Results  

So what do I mean by one deep dive away? Maybe you’re a 9-5 working person, maybe a student or a digital nomad, whatever you are, a deep dive means investing all the time you can into executing on your plan. If you have a family, this doesn’t mean throwing your life out of balance, when you’re with your family, be 100% there, but when you decide you’re going to create your online business, get your dream body, learn that new skill so you can switch careers, when your present life’s schedule allows, be 100% there. 

Step 1: Become an expert. 

Learn everything there is to know about what you want to do, learn from the ones who are doing it and have done it. Whether this means learning everything you possibly can for free from books and online or maybe it means joining a free/paid community or group of people who can mentor and support you on your journey, maybe hiring a coach, whatever that means, become an expert. Why? Once we’re an expert we can aim our efforts perfectly because we’ve seen what has to be done to achieve what we’d like to achieve. 

Step 2: Manifest.

Create a routine around the person you need to become to achieve what you’d like to achieve. What habits does this type of person have? What does their schedule look like? People may not understand why you’re acting the way you begin acting, why you say “no” to things you may have said “yes” to before, why your priorities have shifted, this or that. Stay firm, you haven’t achieved your goals or dreams yet because you’ve done, said and thought the same things, this year is about doing something new, approaching life differently… something we know has worked for the other experts or people qualified by having the desired experience, we’ve studied.. If someone can’t support you working towards a dream or goal of yours, it’s probably important to do a good bit of thinking about whether that person really belongs in your inner circle anyway. 

Have you ever dedicated this much time and effort into your dreams? Most of us haven’t and the question would of course be.. why not? I think we get so comfortable living our lives, we strive and claw for the “necessary” security when we’re young, emotional security, financial security, physical security, social security… all of it. And the more we frantically accumulate things we perceive to provide these facets of security, the more scary it becomes to step out side of all of that which we’ve created, the easier it is to put our deeper, more personal, goals and dreams in the corner. You can then justify your life by what you’ve achieved, you don’t need to pursue the passions you have blazing deep inside because your busy living a “real life” in the “real world”, you’ve, figuratively, earned the right to turn your back on those things that once excited you because you made the ultimate sacrifice, the sacrifice we’re told separates adults from children, success from failure, respectable from useless.

Now don’t get me wrong, if you are happy and fulfilled, power to you! This is titled “your dream life” I’m sure everyone’s dream life looks completely different and depending on what you see, you need to make different choices. If you can’t think of this “ultimate sacrifice” and you’ve really considered it rather than quickly shrugging it aside, then that’s amazing and I couldn’t be happier for you. But I think for most of us, if we sit a quiet couple of moments with it, its easy to see where we turned our back on ourselves for some form of security, whether social, emotional or financial… and for those people,

Your dream life is one deep dive away, 

get curious, get informed, get moving

Stay in light, Stay in love 

Jay Bierschenk