Feeling alive and the walking corpse 

What a title 😉 I often change my titles based on the “SEO” score my blog add on gives me, but you know what… that’s ridiculous! 

SEO for those who don’t know, is “search engine optimization” and basically has to do with certain words and combinations of words will be more likely to be searched for leading for your blog being more likely to showing on search engines (like google) if your titles include these words. I write this blog for a creative dump, for a unique gift, for fun and could care less about altering my creative, imaginative process for more people to see it, because they’d be seeing a product that may or not be filled completely with my joy and love…. Call me “out there”, but that’s important to me, I hope my posts can radiate, not sure what but something that attracts, comforts and stimulates. 

So with that, Feeling alive and the walking corpse…. The difference is the smile that breaks all the rules, the ecstatic bliss that comes from a sporadic realization you’re alive, when the wind stops whipping and starts kissing and the instantaneous nature of all of this happening in a single moment brings you to tears. But what are you doing? You’re simply walking down the side walk on a blustery day, on your way to work, maybe coming from a funeral, but who’s really the dead one? 

Im using strong language like “dead” and “corpse” but the point is merely this, waking up to life wakes life up to us. “Feeling alive” I believe is the solution to your ailments whether they are depression, scoliosis or whatever! And no not because “mind over matter” or “manifestation” nothing like that, it’s much more practical than this. Feeling alive means to live inspired, you see nothing but opportunity, you stop reacting and start responding… why? because this feeling of being alive comes with a sense of clarity, what is clarity? Well wow what a question right, maybe it’s truth, a momentary omnipotence coupled with the lightness of a feather that comes with the realization that you will never find “ the right, the true” in this human world full of human mind. Feeling alive is a call to arms and a great surrender all in one.

So, whats the point, I want to extend an opportunity to you, an opportunity to live with… integrity? Why integrity, well its easy to find people who will react to what I’m saying in ways such as labeling it “youth” maybe “idealism” even ‘psychosis” … but why is that the case? Im going to venture out and say it could be a lack of integrity in an individual. Now, if enough individuals lack that supposed level of integrity, then it turns into a society…so now its a societal lack of integrity, and once we’re there, which we very well may be, its not always easy to make a distinction between “society” and “reality” and now what do we have… I guess we’d say we have “normal” 

What is our integrity? Well let me tell you how I’m using this word as a little thought boat to sail the seas of this general idea. Integrity is basically the will to take action as we see is just? Something like that, so suppose we apply this to “living” what does that look like? Well having some sort of principles, moral compass, an orientating system if you will, is essential because we must give this “living code” “integrity”… our life is an extension and expression of these living codes we carry and the integrity is the thoroughness and clarity in which they are expressed. So simply enough it comes down to choices. Everything is always about choices, right? 😉 The simple choices, the choices pertaining to the physical realms are easy to see, what you eat, how you stand, where you go, whom to which you speak and how…. Sure easy enough to understand, these choices reflect your integrity. 

So how does one in which have an integrity to “feel alive” …. Well lets loop back at the above paragraph where I outline some potential reactions to one speaking of the “aliveness” I mention, with a lack of personal integrity or rather a surrender to the societal normal of integrity, dismissal and exclusion become the simplest means of adaption to an anomaly… Out on a limb here but lets now venture to say, if one has an integrity that extends beyond their physical choices, but permeates in their processing of situations, an integrity that demands attention when action is no longer needed, an integrity that utilizes presence as the equalizing factor in the human world, an integrity that goes beyond the mind and reconnects as an integral component of the soul, the integrity that allows thoughts a place to live and play, if one posses this integrity, one can no longer take life for granted. When we take life for granted we give in to collective ideas of what life looks like, whether we enjoy it, appreciate or even respect it, to me this lack of integrity, as I choose to call it, is actually synonymous with insanity. 

So… maybe you didn’t quite follow me when I said “dismissal and exclusion become the simplest means of adaption to an anomaly” so I’d like to double back, someone tells you not to eat processed food, dismissal, can justify your consumption. Someone asks you to feel the wind of your face and smile, exclusion, can save you from being uncomfortable. And now imagine doing this sort of “exclusion and dismissal” not to ideas and actions of others, but to our own thoughts, desires, ideas and passions! These are easy and clear cut examples and obviously ones biased towards how I see things, but attempt to think of how you can see this in the world or within yourself. And doubling back on choices, integrity and feeling alive, when you become aware of how you see these simple mechanisms, that may have perpetuated through a society in which safety and satiety are more important than “feeling alive” (and maybe more profitable) remember you can always manifest the integrity, the will, to make a choice, in the matter. 

Life is too goddamn beautiful to miss out on its over abundance because of choices towards the simplicity of numbness over the complexity of a “living life” 

Experiencing the tears I mentioned in the first paragraph, just once, is enough to change everything, forever. 

Stay in light, stay in love 

Jay Bierschenk